Planning Applications considered 2024:
PL/2023/10503 - Walnut Cottage, Blue Barn Farm, Lamberts Marsh, Southwick, Trowbridge. BA14 9PD - Proposed rear extension to provide additional living accommodation – No Comment; Leave to Case Officer.
PL/2024/00294 - Units 10A & 10B, Dunkirk Business Park, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9NL - Partially decked balcony structure erected on the rear/side elevation of existing employment building - Lawful development: Existing use – No Comment, leave to Case Officer.
PL/2024/00902 - 10 Wesley Close, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9NX - Remove flat roof area over bedroom 3 and car port, raise height of roof to match existing roofline. Internal alterations to create new dining room and WC and shower room, locate front door and porch to front of property - Support.
PL/2024/02063 - 18D School Lane, Frome Road, Southwick, Trowbridge BA14 9QF - Single Storey Rear Extension - Support.
PL/2023/10503 - Walnut Cottage, Blue Barn Farm, Lamberts Marsh, Southwick, Trowbridge. BA14 9PD - Proposed rear extension to provide additional living accommodation (amended plans) - Support.
PL/2024/02574 - 8 Ireland, North Bradley, Trowbridge, BA14 9RW - Demolition and reconstruction of an extension to provide additional accommodation on 2 floors – deadline for response 11th April 2024 – Support.
PL/2024/03329 - 78 Southfield, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9PW - Raise the roof on a dormer bedroom to match the roof line of the rest of the house, in order to improve the practicality of the bedroom and deal with damp ingress problems – No objection
PL/2024/04738 - 23 Blind Lane, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9PG - Front & Rear Ground Floor Extensions – Support.
PL/2024/05249 - 76 Chantry Gardens, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9QS - Construction of a 2 storey, 3 bedroom dwelling – Support with comment that the provision of adequate parking (as outlined in the application) should be a condition of any permission.
PL/2024/04691- Three Pieces, Hoggington Lane, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9NR - Proposed Annex for a dependant relative with attached carport and storeroom – No Comment.
2023/2183/FUL - Land To The South East Of Bradford Road Rode Frome Somerset - Construction & operation of a solar photovoltaic farm with battery storage & associated infrastructure, including inverters, security cameras, fencing, access tracks & landscaping. (Revised information received 29/02/2024) (amended plans) – It was agreed to resubmit the previous comments.
PL/2023/10205 - Land North of Southwick Road and South of The Rank, North Bradley, Wiltshire - Outline planning application for residential development of up to 66 dwellings and associated public open space with all matters reserved except for access (amended plans) – Objection (letter of objection to be prepared by the Chair).
PL/2024/04887 - 23 Wynsome Street, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9RG - Proposed rear extension and two storey side extension. Double and single detached garages to the rear of property – No Comment.
PL/2024/06151 - Hangar House, Lamberts Marsh, Southwick, Trowbridge, Wilts, BA14 9PD - Erection of triple bay garage with storage space above and partial change of use of land to residential – Objection on the grounds that the proposed development would require the relocation of the existing footpath.
PL/2024/07510 - 101 Chantry Gardens, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9QR - Erection of single storey rear extension and single storey side extension forming a wraparound extension – Objection on the grounds of proximity and overlooking to the neighbouring property.
PL/2024/06896 - Orchard Barn, Frome Road, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9NJ - Proposed installation of 12 x 445w solar panels on front roof of house – No comment.
PL/2024/07053 - The Manor, Hoggington Lane, Southwick, Trowbridge, BA14 9NR - Installation of Ground Mounted Air Source Heat Pumps – Support.
PL/2024/07779 - Left hand bank of the Lambrok Stream at the eastern extent of Park Farm, Trowbridge, and directly opposite the houses in Lambrok Close which sites on the right hand bank - Two lowered wetland areas covering 0.08ha to be created in the floodplain on the left hand bank of the Lambrok Stream – No Objection.
PL/2024/08878 - Land Adjoining No 1, Lamberts Marsh, Southwick, BA14 9PA - Permission in Principle for the erection of 1 dwelling (Resubmission of PL/2023/03701) – Objection.